The resume is dead.
Long live the resume.

I realised this as I was helping my kid sister update her resume. As soon as I opened the file, my eyes glazed over.

“Personal Details”
“Work Experience”

I tried and tried but I couldn't bring myself to bring any kind of a critical eye to it to give her genuine feedback. And this was my sister. She just didn’t stand out.

So I challenged myself to help her to rewrite her resume, and to set a new standard for how we sell ourselves to potential employers, and more crucially, ourselves.

your-alt.resume is what I came up with.

To paraphrase Simon Sinek, there is no work/life balance. There is only life, and your career and contributions in this world shouldn't end up sandwiched into some boxes in a Word document. If you don’t believe me, trust world-renowned author and thought leader Seth Godin. He says “I think if you’re remarkable, amazing or just plain spectacular, you probably shouldn’t have a resume at all.”

With that in mind, here is the challenge I present to you.

Below are links to 2 forms. These forms are important. The first form is where you will describe yourself in a way that you possibly have never described yourself before. Don’t be afraid. It's a necessary part of truly showing what you are capable of and getting that job you most deserve.

The second form is a set of short stories about yourself. It gives a whole deeper level of understanding about you to the reader. Who doesn't love a story? Stories make you more personable and fun.

Ready to proceed?

The First Form

My advice is to turn off your phone and set a timer for at least 30 minutes. Here, I made a 30-minute timer just for you.

So, lets start that timer by clicking on that link and lets go on form one!

Form 1

The Second Form

All done?

Ok, now lets move onto the next one. Storytime.

Don't overthink this one. Something as simple as
"I grew up in X town. Didn't have much but worked my way up through persistence. Got lucky in Y but it didn't work out. Here's what I learned from that experience and why I want to work at Z."

Got it?

Here is that timer again.

Form 2're done!

That wasn't so bad was it? The results have been emailed to you already so keep an eye on your inbox.

Feel free to drop me a line using the form below.

Happy Job Hunting!

Thank You!